If you want to connect to TFS 2010 Server using Visual Studio 2005 Client, then you need to Install the below components in mentioned order. The Installation order is really important to make it work.
– Install Visual Studio 2005
– Download and install Team Explorer 2005
– Download and install Visual Studio 2005 SP1
– Download and install VSTS 2005 Forward Compatibility Update
If you want to apply Team Explorer 2005 to connect TFS2010 on the machine that has VS2005 SP1 installed, please try the following steps in order:
– Download and install Team Explorer 2005
– Re-apply Visual Studio 2005 SP1 to upgrade Team Explorer 2005 to SP1
– Download and install VSTS 2005 Forward Compatibility Update
As TFS2010 introduces the notion of Team Project Collections. After the installation is completed successfully, you should provide the entire URL to connect TFS2010 server.
You can express the connection string as follows:
http://<serverName>:<port>/<vdir>/<collectionName> (e.g. http://TfsServer:8080/Tfs/ProjectCollectionName)
The <vdir> is an optional path for the TFS web sites specified by the administrator during setup. By default it is “tfs”.