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Understanding EDI 997

Hi Guys,

This is for the EDI starter. Below is the complete detail of EDI 997 segment and element details.

997 Functional Acknowledgment Transaction Layout:

010STTransaction Set HeaderTo indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control numberST*997*382823~M
ST01Code uniquely identifying a Transaction SetM
ST02Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction setfunctional group assigned by the originator for a transaction setM
020AK1Functional Group Response HeaderTo start acknowledgment of a functional groupAK1*QM*2459823M
       AK101Code identifying a group of application related transaction setsIN Invoice Information (810)SH Ship Notice/Manifest (856)
AK102Assigned number originated and maintained by the sender
030AK2Transaction Set Response HeaderTo start acknowledgment of a single transaction setAK2*856*001M
AK201Code uniquely identifying a Transaction Set810 Invoice856 Ship Notice/ManifestM
AK202Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction setfunctional group assigned by the originator for a transaction setM
040AK3Data Segment NoteTo report errors in a data segment and identify the location of the data segmentAK3*TD3*9O
AK301Segment ID CodeCode defining the segment ID of the data segment in error (See Appendix A -Number 77)
AK302Segment Position in Transaction SetThe numerical count position of this data segment from the start of thetransaction set: the transaction set header is count position 1
050AK4Data Element NoteTo report errors in a data element or composite data structure and identify the location ofthe data elementAK4*2**2O
AK401Position in SegmentCode indicating the relative position of a simple data element, or the relativeposition of a composite data structure combined with the relative position ofthe component data element within the composite data structure, in error; thecount starts with 1 for the simple data element or composite data structureimmediately following the segment ID
AK402Element Position in SegmentThis is used to indicate the relative position of a simple data element, or therelative position of a composite data structure with the relative position of thecomponent within the composite data structure, in error; in the data segmentthe count starts with 1 for the simple data element or composite data structureimmediately following the segment ID
AK403Data Element Syntax Error CodeCode indicating the error found after syntax edits of a data element1 Mandatory Data Element Missing2 Conditional Required Data Element Missing3 Too Many Data Elements4 Data Element Too Short5 Data Element Too Long6 Invalid Character in Data Element7 Invalid Code Value8 Invalid Date9 Invalid Time10 Exclusion Condition Violated
AK404Copy of Bad Data ElementThis is a copy of the data element in error
060AK5AK5 Transaction Set Response TrailerTo acknowledge acceptance or rejection and report errors in a transaction setAK5*A~AK5*R*5~M
AK501Transaction Set Acknowledgment CodeCode indicating accept or reject condition based on the syntax editing of thetransaction setA AcceptedE Accepted But Errors Were NotedR Rejected
AK502Transaction Set Syntax Error CodeCode indicating error found based on the syntax editing of a transaction set1 Transaction Set Not Supported2 Transaction Set Trailer Missing3 Transaction Set Control Number in Header and TrailerDo Not Match4 Number of Included Segments Does Not Match ActualCount5 One or More Segments in Error6 Missing or Invalid Transaction Set Identifier7 Missing or Invalid Transaction Set Control Number
070AK9Functional Group Response TrailerTo acknowledge acceptance or rejection of a functional group and report the number ofincluded transaction sets from the original trailer, the accepted sets, and the received setsin this functional groupAK9*A*1*1*1~AK9*R*1*1*0~M
AK901Functional Group Acknowledge CodeCode indicating accept or reject condition based on the syntax editing of thefunctional groupA AcceptedE Accepted, But Errors Were Noted.R Rejected
AK902Number of Transaction Sets IncludedTotal number of transaction sets included in the functional group orinterchange (transmission) group terminated by the trailer containing this dataelement
AK903Number of Received Transaction SetsNumber of Transaction Sets received
AK904Number of Accepted Transaction SetsNumber of accepted Transaction Sets in a Functional Group
AK905Functional Group Syntax Error CodeCode indicating error found based on the syntax editing of the functional groupheader and/or trailer1 Functional Group Not Supported2 Functional Group Version Not Supported3 Functional Group Trailer Missing4 Group Control Number in the Functional Group Headerand Trailer Do Not Agree5 Number of Included Transaction Sets Does Not MatchActual Count6 Group Control Number Violates Syntax
080SETransaction Set TrailerTo indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmittedsegments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)SE*9*223~M
SE01Number of Included SegmentsTotal number of segments included in a transaction set including ST and SEsegments
SE02Transaction Set Control NumberIdentifying control number that must be unique within the transaction setfunctional group assigned by the originator for a transaction set

posted @ Friday, June 18, 2010 3:13 AM

This article is part of the GWB Archives. Original Author: BizTalk

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