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Toshiba FlashCards Annoying

I have been dealing with an annoying feature with my Toshiba laptop since I got it back in October.  There is a drop down, auto-hide menu at the the top of the screen that doesn’t seem to hide very well and covers up you title bar controls when it is active.  It didn’t even give an indication of what it is called so it took a while to locate the way to turn it of.  It is call FlashCards and here is how to turn it off.

  1. Run msconfig
  2. On the startup tab deselct the Toshiba FlashCards application
  3. Click Ok.
  4. Restart you system

Yes it is just that easy.  Thank goodness.

Technorati Tags: Toshiba,FlashCards

This article is part of the GWB Archives. Original Author: Tim`s.Net Software Architecture Blog

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