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Suggestions so far for UK MSDN Flash Special Edition on Open Source Software for developers

Back in February we did our first special edition of the UK MSDN Flash focused on Free Software for developers (Which was our most popular edition for years!). The next special edition will be June 17th and the focus will be Open Source Software for developers with a bias (slight!) towards some of the great work on Codeplex and a heavy bias towards frameworks that you can include in your application or help you get the job done. The technical author will be Sara Ford (fingers X’d) who is the programme manager for Codeplex and also the original author of the great Visual Studio 2008 and 2005 tips we do in the Flash every two weeks.

I asked via twitter last week for suggestions of what frameworks and tools people would recommend (I asked at a time when the USA would be asleep as I wanted a bunch of recommendations from UK folks). You can check out what I got back via the hashtag #ukmsdn (+ I got DMs and emails). A good list – but I want more…

Please contact me via comments on this blog, or via twitter (use #ukmsdn to guarantee I see it) with suggestions.

Some thoughts:

  • I don’t want to confuse readers. Hence at some point I will likely need to narrow down to one testing framework, one mocking framework etc (although I will have  “see more” section)
  • What other “little known” but “absolutely awesome” frameworks are missing?
  • Which of the list don’t you think deserves to be there (maybe there is something better?)
  • Any other frameworks developed primarily in the UK?


The suggestions so far have included “likely” candidates such as Nunit and Nant but also stuff completely new to me such as s#arp architecture and OpenRasta:

+ some generic stuff

  • Paint.NET
  • VirtualBox
This article is part of the GWB Archives. Original Author: Eric Nelson

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