Providing sample powershell script to start and stop Application Pool of an application hosted in IIS.
Save the below script in a file called as IISCmds.ps1
#Start To Start Application Pool
Function fnStartApplicationPool([string]$appPoolName)
import-module WebAdministration
if((Get-WebAppPoolState $appPoolName).Value -ne 'Started')
Start-WebAppPool -Name $appPoolName
#End To Start Application Pool
#Start To Stop Application Pool
Function fnStopApplicationPool([string]$appPoolName)
import-module WebAdministration
if((Get-WebAppPoolState $appPoolName).Value -ne 'Stopped')
Stop-WebAppPool -Name $appPoolName
#End To Stop Application Pool
* Caller of IISCmds.ps1 file.
#Start - To Stop Application Pool
$FTPUser = '$$$$$' #Provide Server User Name
$FTPPassword = '*******' #Provide Password
$ServerName = 'Server IP Address'
$appPoolName = 'TestSites' #Application Pool Name
$pwd = convertto-securestring $Password -asplaintext -force
$cred=new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $UserName,$pwd
invoke-command -computername $ServerName -Credential $cred `
-ScriptBlock ${function:fnStopApplicationPool} `
-ArgumentList $appPoolName
#End - To Stop Application Pool
#Start - To Start Application Pool
$FTPUser = '$$$$$' #Provide Server User Name
$FTPPassword = '*******' #Provide Password
$ServerName = 'Server IP Address'
$appPoolName = 'TestSites' #Application Pool Name
$pwd = convertto-securestring $Password -asplaintext -force
$cred=new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $UserName,$pwd
invoke-command -computername $ServerName -Credential $cred `
-ScriptBlock ${function:fnStartApplicationPool} `
-ArgumentList $appPoolName
#End - To Start Application Pool