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Recently I had a requirement where the stakeholder for a WSS Site wanted what I call ‘Visual Security’ i.e. basically where the interface does not render what the user does not have rights to. The requirement wasnt too extensive, they just wanted a few links to lists and a few list forms hidden if the user didnt have the right to add items.

And they werent moved by attempts to convince them that content discovery is a good thing.

So in the end had to cough up a POC WebPart simmilar to the Content Editor WebPart, but would render the content if the user had a certain right on the list. I have dubbed this the Rights Checking Content Editor WebPart (RCCEWebPart for short)

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The source and WebPart cab is available here. Do what you like 😉


This article is part of the GWB Archives. Original Author: Tangible Thoughts

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