My Color Theme for Notepad++
I really like the color theme from the Adobe Source Code Pro font announcement for HTML and XML as well as the beautiful Source Code Pro font for coding. Then, I read this Programming Fonts comparison and really like the color theme for C# in the screenshots.
My favorite text editor is Notepad++ on Windows when I don’t feel like opening the slow and bloated Visual Studio. I really wanted a good dark color theme based on the Source Code Pro announcement and Programming Fonts comparison for coding HTML/XML, C#, and Python. I will eventually optimize the colors for JavaScript and CSS very soon.
It is similar to many many other themes out there. A friend of mine even mentioned it looks like a typical VIM highlighting theme. I am going to call it Obsidian PyCs since it is based on the Obsidian theme that comes with Notepad++.
HTML and XML Colors
Source Code Pro Font (sizes: 11pt for HTML, 10pt for XML) with #1E1E1E
as Background color.
Description | Foreground |
Default | #F8F8E9 |
Comment | #F16EAA |
Attribute Key | #1EBEC8 |
Attribute Value (double-quoted) | #DEC065 |
Attribute Value (single-quoted) | #F16EAA |
Tags | #7AB667 |
XML Color Theme
HTML Color Theme
C# Colors
Source Code Pro Font (size 10pt) with #1E1E1E
as Background color
Description | Foreground |
Preprocessor | #AA80FF |
Default | #F0F0F0 |
Keyword #1 | #E9285F (red-pink) |
Keyword #2 | #5DCAE1 (blue) |
Numbers | #AA80FF |
String | #D4D46E |
Character | #FF8040 |
@Verbatim | #D4D46E |
Comment Line | #008000 |
XML Doc | #808080 |
C# Color Theme
Python Colors
Source Code Pro Font (size 10pt) with #1E1E1E
as Background color
Description | Foreground |
Default | #F8F8E9 |
Keyword | #E9285F |
Class Name | #AA80FF |
Numbers | #AA80FF |
String | #DEC065 |
Character | #DEC065 |
Comments | #008000 |
Doc String | #808080 |
Python Color Theme
Color Theme Download on Github
I published it as a Github repo
Disclaimer: I am a newbie at using and publishing on Github.