Show me the code: Column Search with Descriptions Gist)
In my previous post, I described how to use a query quickly search for columns in a database. The query output was a nice little table reporting the columns, data type, null constraints, defaults, indexes, and foreign key references. Let me tell you, I’ve copied and pasted this result set into many a design document in my days. The only thing missing from this table is a description for each of the columns.
SQL Server’s Extended Properties to the rescue! Extended properties are simple key value pairs you can add to basically any entity in the database (tables, views, columns, triggers, stored procedures, functions, indexes, the database itself, any many more). Just right click on almost any node in the Object Explorer (F8) tree, select Properties, and go to the Extended Properties page. You can add any key name you want. In this article we’ll be adding a Description property to Columns.
Adding Extended Properties via the Object Explorer works fine, but my preferred method is to use a stored procedure. Here is command:
exec sp_AddExtendedProperty 'Description', @description, 'SCHEMA', @schemaName,
'TABLE', @tableName, 'COLUMN', @columnName
A problem with the Add Extended Property stored procedure is that it fails if the column already has the extended property defined. There is an Update Extended Property stored procedure, but it fails if the column doesn’t already have the extended property defined. Here is a temporary stored procedure that updates a column’s Description extended property regardless of whether it is defined yet or not.
Create Procedure #SetColumnDescription(@schemaName sysname, @tableName sysname,
@columnName sysname,
@description sql_variant) As If
Exists(Select 1 From fn_listextendedproperty(
'Description', 'SCHEMA', @schemaName, 'TABLE', @tableName, 'COLUMN',
@columnName)) exec sp_DropExtendedProperty 'Description',
'SCHEMA', @schemaName, 'TABLE', @tableName, 'COLUMN',
If(Not @description Is Null)
And(Not @description = '') exec sp_AddExtendedProperty 'Description',
@description, 'SCHEMA', @schemaName, 'TABLE', @tableName,
'COLUMN', @columnName
As you may have figured out from the temporary stored procedure, to read the Description back use the following table function:
Select value From fn_listextendedproperty('Description'
, 'SCHEMA', @schemaName
, 'TABLE', @tableName
, 'COLUMN', @columnName
So this function lookup can be added to the Select clause of my column search query to add a Description column to the output. Here is a new version of the column search query with the Description column added: Column Search with Descriptions Gist
Also embedded in this query is a commented out column to generate the call to the SetColumnDescription stored procedure. The definition of the SetColumnDescription procedure is commented out at the bottom of the file. In my day to day work I copy the SetColumnDescription definition to a new query window, flip back to the column search query, run it to generate the SetColumnDescription commands, then I copy and paste those commands to the SetColumnDescription query windows. Here I edit/create the column descriptions in the query window and run the script to apply those descriptions to the database. There is also a commented out filter in the Where clause to limit the results to columns that don’t have a Description defined yet.
And with the power of Extended Properties we’ve just added Column Descriptions to our database design and turned the Column Search query into a power database design living document. I hope you find this useful.
Print | posted on Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:12 PM