In this article I would like to present simple application with MultiScaleImage control and generated images from Deep Zoom Composer application. I hope my English is enough to understand this text but just in case I will put a lot of pictures. I will show you how to create application with very deep zoom and put it inside Silverlight 2.0.
First we have to generate project with images, therefore we have to download Deep Zoom Composer application. This process has 3 steps:
1.”Add Image…“
Create new project (“File“->“New Project…“) and import images (“Add Image…“). Choose for example 3 images, not too much. Please, check if they are not too big (greater than 2MB).

Now we go to another step by clicking “Compose” button in the top of the screen.

Then, drag and drop images. Take first one, resize and fit it to the screen.

Zoom in image and place another one.

And do the same to others pictures. Zoom it, and put image in that place.

OK, so we created images, let’s “Export” this to Visual Studio.

All we have to do, is set path for our project (“Export Location“), add Name and choose if it will be exported to “deep image collection” (it generate more files and from my view it work slower).

After this step we should have in our output something like this:

We need only folder with images and file “info.bin“, in my example this is folder “deepzoomcomposerek“.
OK, we have images from Deep Zoom Composer application. Let’s put this to Silverlight 2.0 (If you haven’t installed Silverlight Tools Beta 1 for Visual Studio 2008, you can download it here).
First, create new project in Visual Studio 2008.

I chose option “Generate an HTML test page…” because I don’t need html files to add javascript to web page, I will create single silverlight project and use key down.
Now, build your project and copy folder with images (in my code this is “deepzoomcomposerek“) from output (Deep Zoom Composer) to ClientBin folder (Visual Studio project). You should see something like this:

In Page.xaml file add code:
<UserControl x:Class="DeepZoomComposer.Page"
Width="1024" Height="768">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
<MultiScaleImage Canvas.Top="10" Canvas.Left="10"
x:Name="wg_net_ZoomObject" ViewportWidth="1.0" Height="768"
Width="1024" Source="/deepzoomcomposerek/info.bin" />
Now you should be able to run your project and see your images.
Let’s add mouse and key control. We have to add events to MultiScaleImage in Page.xaml:
<UserControl x:Class="DeepZoomComposer.Page"
KeyDown="UserControl_KeyDown" MouseLeave="UserControl_MouseLeave"
Width="1024" Height="768">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
<MultiScaleImage Canvas.Top="10" Canvas.Left="10" x:Name="wg_net_ZoomObject" ViewportWidth="1.0" Height="768" Width="1024" Source="/deepzoomcomposerek/info.bin" MouseLeftButtonDown="wg_net_ZoomObject_MouseLeftButtonDown" MouseLeftButtonUp="wg_net_ZoomObject_MouseLeftButtonUp"
MouseMove="wg_net_ZoomObject_MouseMove" />
and implementation to Page.cs:
bool dragInProgress = false; //global variables
Point dragOffset;
Point currentPosition;
private void UserControl_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
Point p = wg_net_ZoomObject.ElementToLogicalPoint(new Point((wg_net_ZoomObject.Width / 2),
((wg_net_ZoomObject.Width / wg_net_ZoomObject.AspectRatio) / 2)));
switch (e.Key)
case Key.Q:
wg_net_ZoomObject.ZoomAboutLogicalPoint(1.1, p.X, p.Y);
case Key.E:
wg_net_ZoomObject.ZoomAboutLogicalPoint(0.9, p.X, p.Y);
case Key.Left:
case Key.A:
wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportOrigin =
new Point(wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportOrigin.X - 0.1,
case Key.Right:
case Key.D:
wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportOrigin =
new Point(wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportOrigin.X + 0.1,
case Key.Up:
case Key.W:
wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportOrigin = new Point(wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportOrigin.X,
wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportOrigin.Y - 0.1);
case Key.Down:
case Key.S:
wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportOrigin = new Point(wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportOrigin.X,
wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportOrigin.Y + 0.1);
private void UserControl_MouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
dragInProgress = false;
private void wg_net_ZoomObject_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
dragInProgress = true;
dragOffset = e.GetPosition(this);
currentPosition = wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportOrigin;
private void wg_net_ZoomObject_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
dragInProgress = false;
private void wg_net_ZoomObject_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (dragInProgress)
Point newOrigin = new Point();
newOrigin.X = currentPosition.X -
(((e.GetPosition(wg_net_ZoomObject).X - dragOffset.X)
/ wg_net_ZoomObject.ActualWidth) * wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportWidth);
newOrigin.Y = currentPosition.Y -
(((e.GetPosition(wg_net_ZoomObject).Y - dragOffset.Y)
/ wg_net_ZoomObject.ActualHeight) * wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportWidth);
wg_net_ZoomObject.ViewportOrigin = newOrigin;
Now you can run application and “deep zoom” in your images. As you can see in code, you can zoom in/zoom out your images with Q and E or move them with W, S, A, D and arrows.
Very good resources:
Laurence Moroney’s Blog – DeepZoom in C# – Not just possible, but easy
Mike Taulty’s Blog – Silverlight 2 – First Attempt with MultiScaleImage
Yasser Makram – Silverlight 2.0 Deep Zoom using MultiScaleImage Control
Joe Stegman’s WebBlog – Deep Zoom version of Silverlight 2 Developer Reference Poster
Source code:
- – (if it stop working, please let me know)
- mirmirror 1 (if it stop working, please let me know)
Working demo:
I hope you enjoy this article, it was my first in English and I think the last one on this blog. There is a plenty good blogs in English and I don’t want to just copy them. So if you have any question about articles wrote in polish, send me email and I will try to help you.
Jacek Ciereszko