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FIX for Windows Update Error Code 80240016–Windows update failed since other updates are being installed currently

I kept getting this error whenever I try and do a Windows Update.  This used to happen, particularly if I haven’t done a WU for a very long time.  The usual suspects are anti-virus, firewall and sometimes, pending windows updates which would get resolved when I do a restart of the machine.

I am running a Windows 7 SP1 64 Bit OS.

This time, I connected a machine after almost 6 months and had a truck load of windows updates to be done.  I tried restarting multiple times but every time, I run the WU wizard, it fails with Error Code 80240016 stating failure “since other updates are being installed currently”  I for sure knew, there are no other updates running Smile

Did a bit of research and found this URL where some anonymous user (God Smile) has provided the steps to stop and start the WU Service.  So the steps here, to save you from reading all over again

1. Click “Start” type “cmd”

2. Select the “cmd” icon, right click and select “run as administrator”

3. Accept the dialog that comes up (if it requires entering credentials, do the same)

Basically we now are running the command prompt in an elevated mode (relevant for Windows Vista & Windows 7)

4. Type net stop wuauserv

5. Wait for the WU service to stop and the command prompt to regain focus

6. Type net start wuauserv

7. This would start the service again.

It would also prompt a restart of your machine if there were pending existing updates intalled

Post that, you can check for updates and install without any issues.

Small stuff, worth a lot!!!

Print | posted on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 1:12 PM

This article is part of the GWB Archives. Original Author: ranganh

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